Wednesday, October 23, 2013

When Attachment Parenting Backfires

So, I'm not really an actual Attachment Parent (that's with capital A, capital P). But, I do the whole "natural birth, extended breastfeeding, cosleeping" part of it quite well, so for the sake of argument, let's pretend this is our Parenting Style (cap P, cap S).

Parenting Style backfire this weekend. Here's why.

My dear friend from college got married Saturday night. I got to be a bridesmaid! Yay! So, wedding festivities commenced Friday evening *but really Thursday for me, when I got to make a late night trip to the airport to pick up my college/weekend roomie*. My mom came and watched Ellie while we were gone, but we took Dash with us. The night went fine for them, minus some crying while we left.

Keep in mind that Ellie's going through a MAJOR separation anxiety phase, coupled with the reality that there have only been a handful of times in her short life where someone other than me has put her to bed.

The night went fine. Enter Saturday - bridesmaid prep started at 11am.

Oh friends - I was quite anxious about this day for some time leading up to it. I've never left my baby that long, and I've certainly never left both kids for that long. All told, I was gone around 12 hours, which isn't unreasonable, but is substantial.

My fabulous sister made the trip up from Portland to help with the kids as my mom was busy that day. I'm so incredibly thankful she did this for me, as I know with certainty that my day and night would have played out much differently had I not had such confidence that the kids were in such loving and capable hands.

Have I mentioned that Dash doesn't really take bottles?

Anyway - I had a blast. I drank champagne all day! I wore heels! I wore my hair down! The bride was lovely, the party was fabulous, and it was a very relaxing day getting ready.

The kids and babysitter however... that's another story. There were (apparently) lots of tears, bottle refusal and napping strikes. I heard a rumor that the babysitter took a shot of the only alcohol she could find on our shelves as soon as the kids fell asleep. I don't blame her! I feel bad for my sister (obviously), but honestly - whatever. Those kids have been giving me heck for a while now, and I deserved a day off. Now yesterday of course, the day after the wedding, they made me pay big time. Way clingy, way unhappy, refusing to nap (again), and generally out of control. They made sure to see to it that I will not take another day off in 2.5 years (if they receive me back the way they did yesterday, I'm confined to the home until they're off to full-day school).

Totally worth it though. Plus, we got to climb up on top of a fire truck for pictures. In heels. And short skirts. Can't do that with babies around! :)

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